dilluns, 28 de gener del 2013

divendres, 25 de gener del 2013


Después de estas dos increibles semanas solo puedo agradecer a todos los que lo habéis hecho posible. Así que, sin más preámbulos, GRACIAS. ( Laura G)
Moltiiiissimes gràcies a tots per haver fet increïble aquest intercanvi! Espero que disfruteu la vostra última nit! Petonets. (A.Monill)
Today was a great day in Music Production and Technology .  After demonstrating some of the technology we
use in class,american students taught  Barcelona students their respective parts for our iPad rendition of Let it Be.  Here is a video of their in-class performance.  Good times!

dijous, 24 de gener del 2013

Today we had a very intense day. After a Dance Assembly at school we headed for Boston and there we had the chance to visit the JFK Library and Presidential museum. It was very interesting and we enjoyed the visit very much. We watched a short video first about the beginnings of JF Kennedy's political career and then we visited the exhibition where we could see a recreation of what American political and daily life was like at that time. After that we had lunch and we went back to school where we met our hosts and some of their families, and we had dinner together. We feel those families are part of our lives now and we hope they can feel the same towards us...it was a very emotional time.

dimecres, 23 de gener del 2013

Today we are at school and it is great because the temperature is -13 right now. So far we have helped in some of the Spanish classes and Mr Taft gave us an introduction to JFK because we are going to visit the JFK Library and Presidential museum tomorrow. Two more classes to go. This is coming to an end and we are a little sad because we feel we are already part of this wonderful Pingree Community. More tomorrow!!

dimarts, 22 de gener del 2013

Today featured the celebration of Martin Luther King Day at Pingree--a day of group discussions, as well as a lecture and film about being a black student at a  prep school.  Our own Eulalia sang in a choir, and we were made proud again of our Manyanet students willing to participate publicly in Pingree life. And yes, it is very cold!!

dissabte, 19 de gener del 2013

Today is cooooold! temperature is -7 right now and it is very windy too, but we were not worried about the cold and after some morning classes, we visited Salem. There the kids went on a Scavenger Hunt and they had fun discovering places connected with witchcraft and magic. And they did well despite the weather! This morning and before we left for our tour, kids went to some classes. They did oral presentations in English, and I must say (this is teacher Anna writing) I was extremely proud of them and their level of language. Presentations were incredible and everybody told me that during lunch. Paula sang in front of the whole Pingree community and Eulàlia is going to do the same next Tuesday! I feel they could get used to this very quickly...
Long weekend ahead so see you again next Tuesday, when we will be celebrating Martin Luther King Day at school. Enjoy your weekend!